Lesungen u. Vorträge v. Waldemar Bonsels
1 Konv. Korrespondenz m. versch. Pers. u. Institutionen - Beil.: 1 Konv. Rechnungen, Merkblätter, Auszüge aus Bonsels Werken f. Lesungen u.ä.In: Biene Maja-Film1919 - 1952- The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises
The document is publicly available on the WWW From on 31/12/2058 - The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises
- The work may not be accessed
The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises From on 31/12/2048 - The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises
The document is publicly available on the WWW From on 31/12/2048